Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Assignment 2


How I started

I started on the first topic which was critical thinking, since in previous study skills presentation critical thinking had been used and explained  in my blog, I used this in my presentation. I also re-read some references I used last time. 

Topics I had to look at
  • Critical thinking
  • research
  • Group work
  • Presentation styles.

Investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts
It can help solve existing problems, as the research gathered can impact decision making.
It ensures valid information and an in-depth analysis of the subject we study.
It helps improve and increase knowledge and skills/expertise in a particular subject
Time and money are saved by the research help make vital decisions faster and statistics help come up with a target audience.

I then thought of advantages and disadvantages of using research.

Advantages of primary research
•Greater Control of the information you collect
•Time Efficiency, sometimes when collecting secondary research parts may lead you the wrong direction with primary research it is less likely to do this.
•UNIQUE the information collected from primary research is your own and not shared with others.
  •       Cost - It could be expensive when preparing and carrying out the research.
  •      Time consuming - It takes up a lot of your time because you have to plan everything you do and even plan how to collect data. 

Advantages of secondary research 

  • Ease of Access because of the internet there is now a lot more wider pieces of information.

  • Low Cost, information cost less because you don't have to pay for resources to collect the information yourself.

disadvantages to secondary research

  • Quality of Research - you don't have control  of the information collected 
  • Incomplete Information - You may find the data collected from secondary research maybe outdated and incorrect, this may lead you to problems
[http://prosandconsofsecondaryresearch.blogspot.co.uk/ ] [accessed 2 may 2013]

Learning styles
As I have done learning styles in previous presentations I am going to reference off that.


Monday, 4 February 2013

Assignment 1

Assignment 1

This assessment brief is in three sections 1, 2 and 3, answer ALL Sections.

The results of the brief should be presented to the assessment team on the due date:

Task 1)

1) You are requested to research the term ‘effective research methods’ clearly state each methods advantage and disadvantage to the multimedia designer.

Your research should include such areas as:

i. Qualitative methods - to discover how research subjects, or participants, feel about their lived experiences and include Sampling,

ii. Quantitative Research Methods - the collection and analysis of data in numerical format.

iii. Mixed Research Methods – when different data sources and research methods are combined to provide a more accurate account.

iv. Effective Recording of Research Data (note taking methods and analysis of data)

Task 2)

1)         Using appropriate research methods you are requested to research and develop your own    

Personal Development Plan (that includes short, mid, long term goals that includes a reasoned time management plan together with justification of your preferred learning styles (extensive learning style research required).

2)        The findings of your research, with reference, together with the formulated    

Development Plan should be effectively presented (as discussed in class) to your peer group on the due date. 

The presentation should be 15 mins. In duration and be supported by appropriate graphical images.


As advised I read these two books, which were strongly recommended.

Cottrell, S. (2008)    Study Skills Handbook, 3rd Ed., Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke

Brenda Judge, (2009) Critical Thinking Skills for Education Students (Study Skills in Education) 1 edition Learning Matters Ltd;

In doing so I also looked at other books
I also used websites:

WWW.LEARNHIGHER.AC.UK( accessed 18/12/12)
http://learning-styles-online.com/ ( accessed 10/1/13)

http://education.exeter.ac.uk/dll/studyskills/note_taking_skills.htm (accessed 11/1/13)



To start off, I decided to use PowerPoint for presenting my presentation. This is because I have previous experience with PowerPoint, and it displays data neatly in a professional manner.

Qualitative research

The main aim of qualitative research is 
a recording of linguistic data from experiences of participants. Qualitative research methods range from interviews to participant observation and can include collection of written data.

Quantative research.

Quantitative research involves the collection and analysis of data in numerical format. The aim of using quantitative research is to analyses the data in order to produce results. 

Note Taking.

When looking through note taking methods I remembered I still had my presentation I had done previous on this subject, so looking through the previous presentation I managed to gain some key information to outline methods for this assignment.
I remember that there are three different methods used in taking notes:

Cornell Method.

The Cornell Method is based on two columns: one containing the keyword or concept, and the other containing the description or notes associated with the keyword or concept. 

Example shown here:

Pattern notes

These are normally shown as Mind Maps. These are diagrams in which ideas, concepts and images are linked together around a main theme.

Inverted Pyramid

The inverted pyramid form of writing has provided the essential facts. 

Learning Styles

The most Common method used is  Neil Fleming’s learning Methods, which consist of three areas.
  • Visual (spatial): able to record information using pictures and images.
  • Auditory: able to record information by sound.
  • Physical (kinaesthetic): able to record information when carrying out the task “hands on”.

Personal development plan
Creating a Personal development planning (PDP) helps learners reflect upon their own learning and achievement and plan for their personal, educational and career development.
It is a written document which details what your objectives and achievements are laid out usually in a graph. PDP is a structured and supported process undertaken by an individual to reflect upon their own learning and performance

There are three time areas that need to be considered:
  • Short term Goals- need to be completed in a matter of weeks or days, the goals will need to be completed in order to achieve my middle or long term goals. 
  • Middle term goals- will help aid towards completing both my short term and long term goals. These tasks need to be completed over a matter of months. 
  • Long Term Goals- For my long term goals, these are subject to change due to weather I achieve my short- term goals. To be achieved over a matter of years.

Monday, 5 November 2012

Notes on Note-taking

This is the powerpoint presentation I did on note-taking within a group.

Tuesday, 23 October 2012



Note-taking is the practice of recording information. This is so the writer can recall and look back on what they have done or need to know.-http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Note-taking

Note-taking needs to be concise and organised. To organise your notes the writer can use highlighters, to highlight important information. Bullet points to organise a list of methods of items. Underlining, this is also similar to highlighting, and numbering the subjects in the list of importance.

Another thing the writer needs to consider when taking notes is the amount of detail. The amount of detail can affect how much the person knows or needs to. When note-taking the writer must decide how much of the information that needs to be recorded in order to make it productive and helpful for later use.

It is also to important to consider the amount of concentration needed to listen, if you are easily distracted or can't write as fast recording the information via a tape or microphone can help in note-taking after the session. In order to make your note-taking more effective a good way is to record direct quotes only when it's important, and look for connections within the topic you're studying

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Time Management presentation

Study Skills

Time management

For my research on time management I will be conducting a presentation. I have been paired with Solomon, and so we spent time refining each other’s work by email. After 3 days we have come up with a FINAL finished Presentation